한전 고객센터 KEPCO Customer Center

Find out the KEPCO customer center phone number and contact time. Even before the heat wave starts, I already think I can’t live without an air conditioner. I’m starting to worry about my electricity bill. With bad memories of a power outage in the middle of summer last year, I thought I should check the KEPCO customer center phone number where I can report a breakdown or inquire about electricity bills.

한전 고객센터


KEPCO customer center phone number and contact time 한전 고객센터
KEPCO, or KEPCO customer center, dials 123 without an area code. It is said that the time to consult with the counselor, such as electrical consultation and breakdown report, is open 24 hours a day. 좋은뉴스


Nowadays, it is impossible to live without electricity. In the case of an apartment or office, there is a management office that will take care of it, but in the case of a house or villa, you have to solve it yourself, so if you know that it is open 24 hours, it will be helpful in an emergency.


When connecting from a mobile phone, dial the area code + 123. After connecting, press 1 for electrical failure report, 2 for verbal ARS, and 3 for pressing ARS.


After selecting the service by pressing 3 times, press 2 to inquire and pay bills, press 3 to issue various statements and tax invoices, and press 0 to connect to a counselor.


KEPCO customer center phone number (open 24 hours)

Landline phone: 123 without area code

Mobile phone: area code + 123


Electricity bill payment and inquiry
If you access the homepage from a PC, you can use various services such as bill inquiry, bill payment, and name change. If you are not in a hurry and want to solve it yourself, search for KEPCO on your computer and scroll all the way down to the customer service menu as shown below.

KEPCO Homepage-Menu

You can use the service to inquire bills, apply for automatic transfer, apply for electricity use, pay bills, apply for email bills, change name, issue proof of bill payment, electric consultation, apply for mobile bills, find customer refund money, and report electricity failures.


However, to use the above service, you must know your customer number. The customer number can be found on the electricity bill payment bill.

@ KEPCO website link: https://home.kepco.co.kr/