통신등급 조회 Communication class inquiry

Let’s look at how to check communication rating and how to raise communication rating.

Telecommunication rating refers to the rating calculated by the telecommunications company to determine the user’s creditworthiness.

In the past, financial transaction companies judged repayment ability by determining credit rating, but recently, telecommunication rating is being used for loan review.

The scope of use is getting wider. Today, let’s take a look at how to check and raise communication ratings.

You can use Woori Bank’s mobile emergency fund loan and Nonghyup All One emergency fund loan products by using the communication grade. If you refer to the communication grade loan recommendation post, it will help you in your financial life. 통신등급 조회

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통신등급 조회
What is Communication Class?
The telecom rating refers to a rating that evaluates the customer’s creditworthiness based on information such as bill payment details of customers using SKT and KT LG U+, which are called the three Korean telecommunication companies.

Recently, it is also used a lot for loan review. Therefore, if you manage your communication rating well, it is helpful for those who have little financial transaction performance, such as the unemployed, university students, and freelancers, when obtaining a loan.

In fact, it is also a trend that the frequency of being used for telecom-grade loan review is increasing.

In fact, popular credit rating management sites, All Credit and Nice, also include payment of communication fees in credit score management.

However, the communication level is calculated only for those who are using the three telecommunication companies, and those who use the cheap phone plan cannot calculate the communication level.

Telecommunication rating is a credit score table that shows your credit score through telecommunication companies.

Go to My Credit Score Check < Click
How to check communication class inquiry

In addition to those who use budget phones, the communication level is calculated for those who use SKT, KT, and LG U+ 3 companies.

If so, let’s take a closer look at how to query the communication rating for each carrier.

SKT communication rating inquiry method
SKT communication rating
SKT communication rating
The first thing to find out is how to look up SKT communication ratings.

You can search through the Fintech company Finnq app. This is because Finnq is a merger between Hana Financial Group and SKT.

SKT communication rating is also called T score in other words. Now, I will explain in detail how to lookup.

1. Launch the PINK app
Launch the PINK app
Launch the PINK app
First, install the PINK app, run it, and verify your identity.

Then, on the screen below, there are five menus: Home, Assets, Loans, Financial Products, and More. Click here for more.

2. Select T-score lookup
Tee Score Lookup
Tee Score Lookup
If you click the view more menu, you will see several items. In the credit item in the middle, select the item called T score inquiry.

In addition, if you select the credit score inquiry part, you can check your credit score, which is a commonly known credit rating.

3. Check your communication level (score)
Check communication level (score)
Check communication level (score)
After agreeing to the T-Score Terms and Conditions, click Search to see the communication rating (score) at the top.

You can also see what percentage of the total number of people you are in, and you can also check the carrier and subscription period at the bottom.

Go to SKT Telecom Rating Search < Click
KT Telecom Rating Inquiry Method
KT communication rating
KT communication rating
The next carrier to look for is KT.

You can check the KT telecom rating on the KT Financial Benefit Information site homepage.

From now on, I will explain in detail how the search method works.

1. Access the KT Financial Benefits Information Site
kt financial benefits information site
kt financial benefits information site
First, search for the KT financial benefit information site in the Internet search box and access it.

When you log in, there will be a light blue button in the middle that says Check my communication credit rating.

2. Click Check My Credit Rating and agree to the terms and conditions
Agree to Terms and Conditions
Agree to Terms and Conditions
Click on Check my communication credit rating.

Then you will agree to the privacy policy agreement. check the box.

3. Identity authentication and communication level confirmation
mobile phone authentication
mobile phone authentication
After clicking the Agree button, a screen will appear asking you to verify your identity.

After entering your phone number information, you will be authenticated.

After completing the authentication, you will see your KT communication rating (score).

Go to KT Telecom Rating Search < Click
LG U+ communication rating inquiry method
LGU+ communication class
LGU+ communication class
Among the 3 telecommunications companies, LG U+ does not yet provide a service that allows customers to inquire their telecommunications ratings online or on mobile.

Therefore, you must contact the LG U+ customer center and inquire about your communication level. ​The correct way to check your communication rating is to contact us by phone.

LG U+ Customer Center: 1644-7070

Go to LG U+ Homepage < Click
How to raise communication level
Influencing factor of telecommunication class
Influencing factor of telecommunication class
The way to raise the communication level is to pay the communication fee steadily without overdue, and to use calls and data consistently for a long time.

You can find information on the factors that affect communication ratings in SKT.

KT and LG U+ do not have detailed information, but since the three telecommunication companies are somewhat similar, there is no big difference.

The factors that affect the communication level are divided into subscription information, usage information, additional information, and fee information, and we will take a closer look.

Subscription information
The subscription information reflected in the communication level includes the subscription period, rate plan, and membership level.

Just as the level of financial transactions rises when used for a long period of time, the higher the communication level, the longer the subscription period, the higher the membership level, and the higher the rate plan.

It is because the subscription period is long and the membership level is high, which means that it can be trusted.

Usage information
Additional information that is reflected in the communication level includes overseas roaming amount and small payment amount.

In particular, it can be said that microtransactions are an important factor. Higher micropayments mean a higher chance of delinquency.

This is because there is a high possibility that they will be judged as a customer with poor financial flow.

Financial institutions also look at how stable the flow of funds is to determine repayment ability when reviewing loans.

The same can be said of telecommunications agencies. A high number of microtransactions and transactions will negatively affect telecom ratings.

Rate information
Lastly, the factor that is reflected in the telecommunication class is the price information.

It includes the payment amount, payment method, and unpaid bills for the last 6 months. I think it’s probably the factor that affects the communication rating the most.

Even when using a credit loan or credit card, it is important to make payments on time and not overdue.

It’s because it leads to a drop in credit score if you are a little overdue on the payment date.

The same goes for communication ratings. It is most important to pay the telecommunications fee on the specified date and not overdue.

finishing up

We learned about how to check communication rating and how to raise it.

The most important thing is to pay the telecommunications fee steadily without overdue.

Like credit ratings, communication ratings are easy to lower once, but it takes a considerable period of time to raise them again.

Therefore, please check the payment date in advance and pay on time.