장애 등급 혜택 Disability Level Benefits

Q. How are you? Currently, my mother is unable to move at all due to Parkinson’s disease.

So I’m trying to get a disability rating, is it possible?

If I receive a disability grade, I wonder if I can receive it along with the existing old-age pension.

장애 등급 혜택

A. How are you? This is Inwoo Care.

Parkinson’s disease belongs to the category of cerebral lesion disorder and can apply for a disability grade. I think it will be possible. Since it is difficult to judge by writing only, please consult in advance with the person in charge of the local government to determine the disability level. 장애 등급 혜택

In addition to the disability grade, there is a long-term care insurance grade for the elderly from the Health Insurance Corporation. Parkinson’s disease symptoms are a geriatric disease, so if you are 65 years of age or older, you can apply. 좋은뉴스

If you are eligible, you cannot receive both the Old Age Pension and the Disability Pension. You can only receive one or the other. Please refer to it and consult with the person in charge of the local government. I hope you make a good decision and get help.